Two countries offer fast track citizenship and passport for Bitcoin donation. These are Vanuatu and El Salvador.
Vanuatu – USD 115,000 (CIIP) donation
El Salvador – USD 1 million (equivalent donation in BTC, Tether)
Important to note that Bitcoin is legal tender in El Salvador whereas in Vanuatu not.
If you chose donation, the money will go to the state coffers and non-refundable in exchange for permanent citizenship. It is not possible to buy property and get citizenship in El Salvdor (only donation route qualifies for citizenship.)
Your citizenship applications will be processed 30-40 days for Vanuatu and 3 months incase of El Salvador. Family members (spouse and children( can also get additional citizenship.
El Salvador is much more powerful passport compared to Vanuatu. You can compare visa free list below..
El Salvador – 137 countries
Vanuatu – 95 countries